Saturday 8 January 2011

photo shoots

These are some of the images from my first photoshoot, these images are for the large image on the contents page and a small image on the front for free posters. I decided to have a brick wall for my background in these photos to add to the kind of grunge look i was trying to create. I chose my model for the short hair, which was spiked up for the shoot, with heavy black eye shadow and black lipstick for the makeup. My model is wearing all black, with a leather jacket and leather look leggings with heels and holding black and white guitar. I chose these clothes because i wanted to create a sort of punk/rocker chick kind of look, as she is meant to be lead singer of a band 'Rose Thorn' featuring inside my magazine. The pose for this image was difficult to get right, and many different ones where tried, I finally decided on the top left image because it gave of the right kind of vibe to go with that look, the images where taken at night which was effective but it was also difficult to get the lighting right.

This was my first shoot for front cover and interview pic. these images where actually of the man I interviewed but due to shortage of time where poor quality because of bad lighting and all thought i will use them in my magazine they will not be main ones.

I got a new model and used the studio to take the images in, these came out much better and where more appropriate to use for the front cover.
For the interview page i decided i wanted different images, in a different scene as I found this was often done inmagazines so i took these photgraphs outside.

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