Sunday 9 January 2011

For my Double paged spread I done an interview with lead singer of band Dead Until Dark. Although the band is made up and the image is not of a real band member, I have actually interviewed a friend of the family who actually is in a band. My reason for this was so the answers would be realistic of an actual interview with a member of a band. Although the questions where limited as there was not much time for the interview I was pleased with out come. The layout on these pages is very basic, apart from the flower designs which where from On the first page I included an image from the third shoot, hardly anything needed editing in this image, the only thing I did was adjusting the contrast slightly. On this page i also included a quote from the interview and the name of the band across both pages, i also overlapped the main image onto the other page as that was something i saw a lot in other magazines. I also included the name of the bands new album underneath the band name. I used the handwriting font for the interview because I thought it looked good, and did the questions in red and answers in white so they where easy to distinguish from each other i also included a quote in between to brake up the column which was something I'd also seen in my research. On this page i included the magazine website ( [56] ) and page number.

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