Friday 27 May 2011

"LOSER" Evaluation

In what does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (how is it similar or different to the films that you researched) AND What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why? (who might produce/distribute your film - film company)

Thursday 26 May 2011

question 2


Media Script
Camera follows boy walking forwards (close up, gradually zooms out to long distance shot following him walking) another boy pushes him out of shot as camera continues strafing backward. Boy collects himself and re-enters shot,
Boy2: I’te dilhole
Boy1: and you want what exactly
Boy2: nowt just you gotta hear what me and my bird did last night
(the camera then switches to cross shots)
Boy1: I’m not interested in your profound and naked happenings
(Boy 2 fumbles with phone in pocket)
B2: right well, I was there and so was she, right and we were both under her mums bed while she was in the room, tense stuff eigh.
B1: shut up, the fact that you’re seeing a girl who has to put her pants on with a boomerang is bad enough but I don’t want to hear about you being engulfed by her love handles of death, thank you very much.
B2: OI at least I’ve got a girlfriend
B1: yes, one who communicates through grunting and I swear tried to eat me last time I met her.
B2: Well it’s your own fault for wearing that lynx chocolate
B1: Well I’ll complain to lynx then for not putting “warning may cause death by cannibalism” on the wrapper. And another thing...
B2: why don’t you ask her out today then, it’s your chance to get a girlfriend
(side shot)
B1: yeah well maybe I will ask her out this year, she is in my class after all.
B2: yeah well maybe I’ll grow massive tits and enter miss universe.
Cuts to a behind shot, stationary
B1: you know what sod off; I’m a lady magnet I’ll have you know
B2: whatever man I’m off I’ve got maths
(Boy2 breaks off and runs to the left)
B1: yeah see you at break.
(Waves friend off)
Next shot shows boy1 entering media block from outside then an entering shot from the other side.

preliminary task

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Final Film

Monday 10 January 2011